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As part of our Accessibility Report, this page lists games that have been flagged with some of the following accessibility:

Controls: How you control the game, different options for alternative inputs and whether you can remap these settings to suit your needs. Each game offers the following accessibility features and settings:

Gamepad: Can play with the following:

1 Button, 2 Buttons, 1 Stick or 1 Button & Single Stick

Motion: Games that can be played with different sorts of motion controllers.

Motion Aiming

Remap Controls: Can customise the controls for the game as follows:

Remap Buttons, Swap Sticks, Remap Sticks, Remap Mouse and Keyboard or Remap One Action to Multiple Buttons

Getting Started: What support is offered to get started with the game. This includes customising the experience when you first open the game via any onboarding processes it provides as well as tutorials and other assistance when you first start playing. Each game offers the following accessibility features and settings:

Assistance Getting Starting: These features aid your play of the game in terms of cognitive load on learning controls, dealing with pressure and coping with the environment and challenges.

Assistance With Controls, Low Pressure or Adjust Speed

Assistance For Progressing: These features aid your progress through the game offering different ways of maintaining your progression.

Guaranteed Progress With God Mode, Bank Progress With Frequent Checkpoints, Assisted Progress With Boosts, Assisted Progress With Hints or Save Progress Anytime

Navigation: How the game provides guidance and assistance to navigate its worlds. These are only for games that have traversal and exploration in 2D and 3D spaces. Each game offers the following accessibility features and settings:

Menu Navigation:

Remap Game Menu Access

Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure game that takes place in the Minecraft universe.

Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure game that takes place in the Minecraft universe. You explore various dungeons to complete missions and collect new gear by exploring and finding treasure chests, or by defeating enemies.

The Last of Us Part II is an action-adventure game set five years after The Last of Us.

The Last of Us Part II is an action-adventure game set five years after The Last of Us. You control two characters in a post-apocalyptic United States.

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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