Our accessibility experts are yet to assess Wilmot's Warehouse Board Game. If you'd like to suggest accessibility features we should record for Wilmot's Warehouse Board Game, let us know on Twitter or via email.Wilmotʼs Warehouse is a brain game about working together to find ways to remember where you placed the products in your warehouse. Play involves placing the Product cards face down on your warehouse grid in such a way that you can find them for customers. It stands out for getting you to invent stories, rules, logic and all manner of other creative memory tricks, to remember which cards you put where.
Game Details
Release Date: 01/01/2024
Skill Rating: 6+ year-olds
Players: 2-6
Genres: Brain Game, Sequencing and Communication
Accessibility: 0 features documented
Components: Bag, Board, Cards and Cartoon
Costs: Purchase cost
Accessibility Report supported by VSC Rating Board, PlayabilityInitiative