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Best Games by Alientrap Games on PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 was the successor to the PlayStation 3 and launched 2013. It offered enhanced visuals and sound as well as playing 4K films from its Blueray player. Although some older PlayStation games are ported or emulated on the new hardware, you can't play any previous PlayStation disc games on it.

You can't use previous PlayStation DualShock controllers on this system. Its DualShock 4 added a touchpad and Options and Share buttons. However, the Move motion controllers that launched during PlayStation 3 era can be used on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR. The DualShock 4 was updated when the Slim and Pro models released, which could be used plugged in with a cable as well as wirelessly.

  • PlayStation 4 Slim is a smaller version.
  • PlayStation 4 Pro is an upgraded version with enhanced performance and 4K gaming.


DetailsPlatform Details

Genres: Adventure, Narrative, Role-Play and Strategy
Era: 2021 - 2022
Total Games: 1
Total Likes: 22

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