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Best Fighting Games by Bungie

Fighting games involve close combat between characters. Usually, in some arena, the player uses attacks, and combinations of moves to overpower and outwit his opponent. Different playable characters and computer-controlled enemies have different abilities that offer a tactical challenge.

These games are often harder to learn and play, requiring fast reactions and memorisation of combinations of buttons. These pure fighting games sit alongside brawling and beat-em-up games where fights are simpler and against large numbers of enemies.

These games are Action focused, but mainly in respect of the fighting. This is sometimes expanded by games that combine the fighting with Adventure, Role-Playing, Narrative and other elements.

Other games include Fighting, but remove the player from direct control, focusing instead on the Strategy or Simulation of combat. This can be taken further away from the heat of battle in Turn-Based games.


DetailsGenre Details

Era: 2014 - 2014
Total Games: 1
Total Likes: 20

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