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Thinky Games
That Sidestep
Right Thinking

Thinky games are an increasingly popular type of video game that call on your brain power more than your reactions. You complete levels and progress by working out the (often impossible-seeming) solution to the scenario in front of you. They are a deeply satisfying challenge, particularly when you find the answer to a tricky conundrum the developer has presented you.

However, there are some of these games that take a different form. Rather than coming up with impressively convoluted, iterative or brain-stretching puzzles, they offer a more malleable challenge. They still rely on your ingenuity but don't insist you solve things in the singular right way.

Instead, they offer you scenarios that can be solved in different ways with the tools at your disposal. You often find yourself thinking around a problem rather than trying to work out how the developer intended things to be solved.
This list includes 19 games from the last 16 years, with 985 likes. They come from a range of different genres and play-styles and are all good games if you want to . We break them down into the following areas:

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