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Board Games
Author: Andy Robertson

As well as video games we also help families find amazing board games to play. Well, we call them board games as there's not a better word, but we really mean, card games, dice games, table top games as well as board games.

Our parent experts spend time searching out the best board games for your family. These are great games in their own right, but also really popular with children who play video games too. If you are after some non-screen hobbies for your gaming children, board games are a great option.

Along with the ways to browse board games on this page, you can also use our tailored search tool. This enables you to find board games for a particular age group, or how quick they are to learn.

We group board games by the experience they offer:
  • Style of Play: How you want to play games together (Split-Screen, Co-operative, Competitive, Online).
  • Game Genres: Which interactions and game structures you enjoy (Adventuring, Racing, Puzzling, Strategising).
  • Game Pieces: What pieces you use to play the game (dice, tokens, board, figures).
  • Curated Lists: What themes you want to engage with (Trust, Identity, Justice, Hope, Love).

Trending: Board Games Parents Are Searching

These are the games that parents and guardians are searching for on the site, to check suitability for children:

Trending: Board Games Parents Are Liking

These are the games that parents and guardians are saying their children are enjoying, by clicking the HEART button:

Trending: Board Games We're Playing

These are the games that the team who run the database are enjoying with friends and family:

New: Board Games Just Out

These are the games that have just been released and are worth checking out for your family:

New: Board Games We've Just Discovered

These are the games we have just discovered and added to the database. Some of these will be new, but there are also older games suggested by readers that we add if that are really good:

Upcoming: Future Board Game Releases

There are games that are coming up for release in the future. A good way to stay ahead of what children will want to play in the coming months:

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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