We've documented 29 accessibility features for Sea of Thieves, including Fully Voiced (Or No Speech), Large Text, No Repeated Pressing, No Holds and Remap Buttons. Its accessibility is strongest in Controls and Visual but it also has features in Communication, Reading, Getting Started, Navigation and Audio to reduce unintended barriers.
This report is created with input from accessibility experts and the player community to help people find games that have the accessibility features they require. Once you have found potential games on the database, there are excellent specialist accessibility sites that offer in-depth reviews to guide your purchasing decisions.
External examiner, Brian Fairbanks, first checked Sea of Thieves accessibility 4 years ago. It was re-examined by Ollie Robertson and updated 4 months ago.
Accessibility Notes
In-game characters and narrative are voiced. Screen Reader: Supports Xbox screen reader when navigating menus in the game. Text Chat: Can adjust the size of text chat.
Nautical Narration is a feature to help players navigate the seas using their handheld compass or ship-mounted compass, announcing the direction being faced when ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled.
There are four different options for game action narration, when enabled, Nautical Narration reads out the cardinal direction of your compass, like "North" or "East-South-East". It even tells you when you're in a storm and your compass is spinning unhelpfully:
- One Shot Narration means the direction your pirate is facing will be narrated once when using the compass. When using the ship’s wheel, players will need to press E on the keyboard or the Y button on a controller to narrate the ship’s current direction. This can be rebound within the game settings.
- Continuous will narrate the direction your pirate is facing as you turn while using the compass.
- Continuous When Equipped will continually narrate direction without the player needing to raise the compass. The delay between narration can be configured within the Accessibility Settings.
You can select a high-contrast X marker for treasure. There's a colour-blind-friendly mode with customisable filters. Lock on prompts: The temporary interaction prompts can be made to be permanently in view. Voice chat shows which party member is speaking by showing their name, but enemy player locations aren't shown. Enemy NPCs audio direction is also not shown.
The game uses audio to identify where in-game events are happening (like boarding your ship). This enables you to know from the audio which side the boarding is happening on. When players die a long way away, you can hear a ping that relates to their distance and indicates the hit.
Speech to Text: Voice Chat sent to your player converted to Text and displayed as Text Chat Notifications, although only in the United States configured systems. Text to Speech: Via the platform feature, your Text Chat and Phrases read aloud to other players, only currently available in United States configured systems.
If the user interface narration for menus does not make it easy to find the information you want (such as in-game reputation/character levels), you can use the profile section of the Sea Of Thieves website: to see that same information.
Game Details
Release Date: 20/03/2018, updated in 2024
Out Now: PC, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox X|S
Skill Rating: 11+ year-olds
Players: 24 online
Genres: Role-Play, Traversal (Action, Adventure, Collecting, Communication, Fighting, Simulation and Stealth)
Accessibility: 29 features
Components: 3D First-Person, Day and Night, Open World, Persistant World and Weather
Developer: Rare Ltd (@RareLtd)
Costs: Purchase cost, In-Game Purchases and In-Game Pass
To complete the main campaign of the game you need to use a minimum of:
- PC: 11 keys, 1 mouse, 1 gesture and 1 button.
- Xbox: 7 buttons, 2 triggers and 2 sticks.
- The Single Stick Camera Mode: Specify this in Accessibility Settings menu enables to choose the button (and whether it's a toggle or hold) to use the single stick to look up and down when you need to.
- Fixed Position for Interact Prompts: Specify this in Accessibility Settings menu so you don't need to look down or up to see and interact with objects like cannon or anchor.
- Automatically Float in Water: Specify this in Accessibility Settings menu to stay on the surface and not need to use look up or down actions to swim to the surface. This does mean you can't swim under water.
- Auto Centre Camera: Specify this in Accessibility Settings menu so the camera re-centers after looking up or down. You can specify how long (without inputs) before this happens and how fast the adjustment happens.
- Auto Move: Specify in the Controller Settings menu, to select a button or trigger to move you forward until it is pressed a second time.
- Toggle Radial Menus: Specify in the Accessibility Settings menu to opt for toggled access to menus so you don't have to hold buttons.
- Sticky Radial Items: Specify in the Accessibility Settings menu so you don't have to hold the Right Stick in a direction to select an item in the menu. You just tap in the direction.
- Reduce Hold To Interact: Specify in the Accessibility Settings menu to enable you to press rather than hold to do load cannons, drop the anchor and so on.
- Reduce Hold To Use Items: Specify in the Accessibility Settings menu to aim without holding a button, instead you just press the button once. This also works for raising the lantern and using instruments.
- Remapping: You can map the same button for different uses in various game contexts, allowing a single button to be used for multiple actions.
On Boat | Xbox | PC | Notes | Required |
Map | X Button | F Key | When at Map table on boat. | ✔ |
Climb Ladder / Tree | X Button | F Key | When at Ladder. | ✔ |
Map Scroll | Left Stick + Right Stick | Mouse Movement | Or WASD keys. | ✔ |
Aim / Look / Camera | Right Stick | Mouse Movement | Aim cannon. | ✔ |
Map Zoom | Left Trigger + Right Trigger | Mouse Wheel | Or +/- keys. | ✔ |
Adjust Sails | Left Stick | A Key + D Key + S Key + W Key | Use Mouse+F to select adjustment then WASD keys. | ✕ |
Map Place Marker | Right Trigger | Left Mouse Button | Up to nine markers. | ✕ |
On Land | Xbox | PC | Notes | Required |
Pause / Menu | View Button | Escape | ✔ | |
Interact | X Button | F Key + R Key | F key is contextual with multiple uses. | ✔ |
Select Weapon / Ammo | Y Button | Mouse Wheel | Picks between weapons you have equipped via Armoury box on your ship / outposts. | ✔ |
Jump / Vault | A Button | Spacebar | ✔ | |
Drop Item | B Button | X Key | If carrying non-inventory item. | ✔ |
Item to Inventory | B Button | X Key | If carrying inventory item. | ✔ |
Sprint | Left Stick Press | Shift (Left) Key | Can be Toggle/Hold. | ✔ |
Select Item | Left Bumper | Q Key | ✔ | |
Movement | Left Stick | WASD Keys | Auto Move lets you toggle forward movement. | ✔ |
Aim / Look / Camera | Right Stick | Mouse Movement | ✔ | |
Fire | Right Trigger | Left Mouse Button | With Gun equipped. | ✔ |
Hit / Melee | Right Trigger | Left Mouse Button | With Sword equipped. | ✔ |
Chat (Text) | D-Pad Up | G Key | ✕ | |
Emote | D-Pad Down | Z Key | ✕ | |
Movement Stealth | Left Stick | Ctrl (Left) Key | ✕ | |
Aim Down Sights / Scope | Left Trigger | Right Mouse Button | With Gun equipped. | ✕ |
Block | Left Trigger | Right Mouse Button | With Sword equipped. | ✕ |
Similar Games Requiring Fewer Controls
If you want to play games like Sea of Thieves, but with fewer controls required, the following similar game is worth considering:
Can play with the following:
Multiple Buttons & Single Stick: Can play with multiple buttons and a stick.
Multiple Buttons & Two Sticks: Can play with multiple buttons and two sticks.
Mouse And Keyboard
Can play with the following:
Keyboard Alone: Can play with just the keyboard.
Mouse and Keys: Can play with mouse and multiple keys.
Mouse and Controller: Can play with mouse and controller simultaneously.
Remap Controls
Can customise the controls for the game as follows:
Remap Buttons: Can re-map all buttons so that you can use alternatives that better suit your play.
Remap One Action to Multiple Buttons: Can remap multiple buttons to perform the same action to reduce the need to memorise buttons and make the action easier to access.
Button Combinations
Specific button operation required to play
Holding Down Buttons Optional: Holding down buttons for prolonged periods (a second or more) is not required or can be switched to toggling the action on and off. This is in addition to the movement stick/button which is not considered a hold for this purpose.
Rapid Repeated Pressing Optional: Quick, repeated button pressing (more than 2 times a second) is not required, can be skipped or switched to holding a button to trigger a repeated action.
Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Controls
If you want to play Sea of Thieves, but it doesn't offer the Controls accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Controls accessibility:
- Saltsea Chronicles (18 Controls Features)
- Sail Forth (16 Controls Features)
- Crossout (14 Controls Features)
We haven’t documented any accessibility features for Difficulty in Sea of Thieves which deal with how you can adjust the challenge of play, and whether this is locked once chosen or can be adjusted as you play. The following games are similar to Sea of Thieves, and offer accessibility features for Difficulty:
- Weird West (2 Difficulty Features)
- Hogwarts Legacy (2 Difficulty Features)
- Abiotic Factor (1 Difficulty Feature)
- Return to Monkey Island (1 Difficulty Feature)
Getting Started
We've documented 2 accessibility features for Getting Started in Sea of Thieves which deal with what support is offered to get started with the game. This includes customising the experience when you first open the game via any onboarding processes it provides as well as tutorials and other assistance when you first start playing.
Assistance Getting Starting
These features aid your play of the game in terms of cognitive load on learning controls, dealing with pressure and coping with the environment and challenges.
Tutorials: There are helpful tutorials and instructions on how to play. Information is provided in a timely manner, with appropriate level of detail.
View Control Mapping: You can view a map of controls during play. This clearly displays the mappings of actions to buttons/keys/mouse/keyboard without having to leave the game. This includes games that always display buttons to press during play.
Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Getting Started
If you want to play Sea of Thieves, but it doesn't offer the Getting Started accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Getting Started accessibility:
- Hogwarts Legacy (8 Getting Started Features)
- Saltsea Chronicles (7 Getting Started Features)
- Sail Forth (6 Getting Started Features)
- Smalland (6 Getting Started Features)
We've documented 4 accessibility features for Reading in Sea of Thieves which deal with how much reading or listening comprehension is required, how well the game provides visual and audible access to the text and whether subtitles and captions are a good fit for purpose.
Reading Level
How much reading is required to play the game's main path or story and how complex the language is. The presence of voiced characters doesn't reduce this requirement, as it's recorded as a separate datapoint.
Moderate Reading: Moderate reading required. The quantity and complexity of reading are at a level that a high school student (14-year-old) would appreciate.
Text Visibility
Large Clear Text: All essential text is large and clear or can be adjusted to be. The general text used throughout the game in menus, instructions and other key information (excluding subtitles that are assessed separately) is at least 1/20 (46 pixels on 1080 screen) the height on landscape screens and at least 1/40 height on portrait screens. We base this on the full line-height, including the space above and below the letters.
High Contrast Text: Text colour contrasts to the background or can be adjusted to be. The text in menus, instructions and other information is presented in high contrast with a solid background.
Voice Acted
All Dialogue is Voice Acted (Or No Speech In Game): All of the game dialogue and narrative can be voiced, or there is no speech in the game. This means there is no requirement to read the dialogue and narrative text to play the game.
Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Reading
If you want to play Sea of Thieves, but it doesn't offer the Reading accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Reading accessibility:
- Return to Monkey Island (7 Reading Features)
- Pig Detective 3: Death on Detox Island (7 Reading Features)
- Saltsea Chronicles (5 Reading Features)
- Weird West (5 Reading Features)
We've documented 2 accessibility features for Navigation in Sea of Thieves which deal with how the game provides guidance and assistance to navigate its worlds. These are only for games that have traversal and exploration in 2D and 3D spaces.
Head-Up Display
Head-Up Display Narrated: Key information displayed via text or icons is narrated. This enables the player to know their health, weapons, ammunition and other items without reading the head-up display.
Menu Navigation
Menu Narrated: All of the game menus can be narrated for easier navigation. The game menus can therefore be navigated without reading text.
Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Navigation
If you want to play Sea of Thieves, but it doesn't offer the Navigation accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Navigation accessibility:
- Hogwarts Legacy (8 Navigation Features)
- Sail Forth (6 Navigation Features)
- Tails of Iron (6 Navigation Features)
- Subnautica Below Zero (6 Navigation Features)
We've documented 7 accessibility features for Visual in Sea of Thieves which deal with how you can adjust the visuals to suit your needs, and offer additional information if you can't hear the game.
Medium Contrast: Game uses generally well contrasting and bright visuals, or has a slider to make this the case.
Interactive Elements
Large Game Elements: Game characters and other elements are large and distinguishable. Enemies and player characters are at least 1/6 of the height of the screen. Or there is a zoom feature to make them larger.
Audio Cues for Visual Events
Audio Cues for Visual Events: Audio is provided to indicate visual events. Game events or progress highlighted by visual icons, effects or animations are also accompanied by audio to signify that progress. This is useful for blind players.
Audio Depiction of Event Location: Indication with positional/stereo audio of where directional events are on the screen for things like damage, footsteps, environmental elements. This is useful for blind players.
Narration for Visual Elements
This is the audible narration of in-game text. Sometimes talk about as Text To Speech, although it may include the narration of no-textual elements. This is different to Text To Voice, which provides player-player textual communication audibly.
Menu Narrated: All of the game menus can be narrated for easier navigation. The game menus can therefore be navigated without reading text.
Head-Up Display Narrated: Key information displayed via text or icons is narrated. This enables the player to know their health, weapons, ammunition and other items without reading the head-up display.
Colour Options
Colour Blind Friendly: Game doesn’t rely on colour or can switch to colour blind friendly mode with double coding or similar way to avoid colour dependance.
We've documented 1 accessibility feature for Audio in Sea of Thieves which deals with how you can adjust the audio of the game and whether audio cues compensate for aspects of the game that are hard to see.
Adjustable Audio
Balance Audio Levels: Set music and game sound effects separately. This enables you to select your preference as well as ensure critical game sounds aren't obscured by other audio.
Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Audio
If you want to play Sea of Thieves, but it doesn't offer the Audio accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Audio accessibility:
- Smalland (4 Audio Features)
- Hogwarts Legacy (4 Audio Features)
- Abiotic Factor (3 Audio Features)
- Crossout (3 Audio Features)
We've documented 6 accessibility features for Communication in Sea of Thieves which deal with how you can communicate with other players in the game and what options are available to customise and control this interaction.
Player-to-Player Online Communication
This is how players communicate with each other in online games. This can be to plan strategy, chat as they play or co-ordinate resources.
No Online Chat (Or Preset Phrases Only): Game is played online but no verbal or textual player communication. This includes games that offer no communication or communication with word-less icons, sounds or preset phrases.
Text Chat: Chat to other players by typing text.
Voice Chat: Chat to other players on your team or friends list by speaking with headset.
Proximity Chat: Chat to other players who are near you in the game, whether or not they are friends or on your team, by speaking with headset.
Online Communication Assistance
Text-to-speech: Convert text messages from other players to voiced messages. Game converts text typed by the player into synthesized audio that's read aloud to all other players in the voice channel. This feature allows players who can't speak verbally to have their thoughts expressed aloud to the rest of the players in their party.
Speech-to-text: Convert voice from other players to text messages. Transcribes incoming speech from other players into text onscreen in real time. Players who can't hear voice chat can read what other players have said aloud on their screen.
System Accessibility Settings
In addition to the accessibility features provided in the game, you can also use system-wide accessibility settings:
Windows has extensive accessibility features. Some, like colour correction, work with games. Lots of accessibility software can be used with PC games, from voice recognition to input device emulators.
PlayStation 5
PlayStation 5 has a range of system-wide accessibility settings.
Xbox One
Xbox One has a system features, the excellent co-pilot share controls mode and adaptive controller support for all games.
Xbox Series X|S
Xbox One has a system features, the excellent co-pilot share controls mode and adaptive controller support for all games.
Read more about system accessibility settings.
Accessibility Report supported by VSC Rating Board, PlayabilityInitiative and accessibility contributors Andy Robertson, @daisyalesounds, Ben Kendall and Ollie Robertson