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Sonic Superstars

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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Sonic Superstars (2023) is a running, jumping and dashing game that updates the classic platform action game for 4 players. You rush through levels, collecting rings and bouncing on enemies. It stands out for the frantic 4-player cooperative challenge that works well for families of all abilities.

You go on a Sonic adventure through the Northstar Islands. Play is like the 90s games although here you can play with other people at the same time, choosing between Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. There are also new Emerald powers that let you traverse the level and trigger attacks in new ways. Together you take on a challenge to stop Dr. Eggman, Fang, and a new adversary from turning the islands’ giant animals evil.

As you progress you learn how to use the different character's abilities to your advantage. Sonic can roll into a dash after a jump. Tails can fly. Knuckles can glide and climb and Amy Rose can attack enemies with a hammer and double jump. You can also unlock an additional character by completing the game.

The result is a game that's welcoming and approachable while also offering a considerable challenge to those who want to perfect each level.

Our examiner, Ellen Robertson, first checked Sonic Superstars 13 months ago. It was re-examined by Thom Robertson and updated 6 days ago.
There are lots of games similar to Sonic Superstars. Here are some we picked for you:

Play StylePlay Style

This is an Action, Collecting and Platform game with Fighting and Traversal elements. You can play with 1 to 4 players in the same room or as a 8-player online game. You can also challenge players online with 8 players Battle Mode.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: This game will take between 5 and a half hours and 7 hours to complete. To collect everything in the game and see all the secrets will take over 16 hours.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 3 for Very Mild Violence. Violence consists of the player jumping on, or rolling through, robotic fantasy enemies that disappear in a puff of smoke to reveal a cute little animal inside. When the player is hit by an enemy or an obstacle, their character falls back and loses all their rings, and blinks for a few seconds. When defeated, they simply fall off-screen. The setting is childlike.
Users Interact: The game enables players to interact and communicate with each other, so may expose players to language usually associated with older rated games.

Skill Level

6+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Still, it’s important for parents and guardians to ensure they understand in-game purchases and have spending limits set-up. Because you can get help from other players, and the game is only in 2D, players can enjoy this from a young age.

Account Rating

  • You need be 18-years-old to to subscribe to Xbox Live Gold for online play, but can then configure family accounts for younger players to play online with Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S.
  • You need be 18-years-old to subscribe to Nintendo Online, but can then create accounts for children of any age to play online with Nintendo Switch.
  • You need be 18-years-old to subscribe to PlayStation Plus for online play, but can create sub-accounts for younger players of 7-years or older to play online with PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5.


Sonic Superstars usually costs £54.99.

Sonic Superstars

XBox Store Xbox X|S £54.99
XBox Store Xbox One £54.99
XBox Store PC £54.99
Switch Store Switch £54.99
Steam Store PC £54.99
PlayStation Store PS5 £54.99
PlayStation Store PS4 £54.99
There are the following additional costs associated with this game:
  • In-Game Purchases: Additional in-game purchases are offered for items that enhance the experience.
  • You need a subscription to play online:
    • You need to purchase a Nintendo Online subscription to play online with Nintendo Switch.
    • You need to purchase a PlayStation Plus subscription to play online with PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5.
    • You need to purchase a Xbox Live Gold subscription to play online with Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S.
You can purchase additional content that provides new content and outfits:
  • Lego Fun Pack
  • Sonic Rabbit Skin
  • Mecha Sonic Skin for Battle Mode 
It's important to set up your accounts and devices appropriately. More information is on our Financial Resources page.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 17/10/2023

Out Now: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One and Xbox X|S

Skill Rating: 6+ year-olds

Players: 1-4 (8 online)

Genres: Action, Collecting, Platform (Fighting and Traversal)

Accessibility: 12 features

Components: 2D Side-On and Cartoon

Developer: Sega (@Sega)

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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