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Time on
Frog Island

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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Time on Frog Island (2022) is a world-building adventure set on an island of anthropomorphised frogs where you solve puzzles to survive and thrive on an island after a shipwreck. You explore at your own pace and solve sticky situations for the colourful locals as you trade your way to fixing your ship.

Play initially involves exploring the island to meet everyone and understand what they need from the sounds and symbols they use to communicate. You then slowly unravel this spaghetti network of trades, getting the right items to the people that need them. To do this often involves solving puzzles, finding hidden treasures and talking to the right frogs.

As you progress you discover not only new people and places, but things to do. You can find new items by fishing and farming. You can concoct simple brews that give you new ways to get around and access the more distant and hard-to-reach parts of the island.

The result is an endearing game that could have been pulled from the pages of a storybook. But also, it's an inviting tangle of wants and needs to straighten out. Whether you make this your book-at-bedtime game or just a way to relax after a busy day, it's a game that's had love and attention poured into it.

Each object you pick up could end up being the key to something bigg

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked Time on Frog Island 2 years ago. It was re-examined by Thom Robertson and updated 6 weeks ago.
There are lots of games similar to Time on Frog Island. Here are some we picked for you:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Communication and Sequencing game with Collecting, Narrative and Traversal elements. This is a single-player game.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: This game will take between 5 hours and 7 hours to complete. Depends how you approach the puzzles and how quick you are at completing them.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 3 for occasional very mild violence in a comical or abstract context. There are a few instances in which the player can be hit by another character who holds a sword. The player's character doesn't really react to this and the screen quickly fades to black, without any detail of harm or injury. The screen also fades to black when he walks too far out into the ocean or falls off a cliff, with no visuals of harm occurring, after which the player simply wakes up on the beach again. The introduction to the game shows the protagonist on a boat surrounded by a dark thunderstorm. A character is shown becoming sick, after which his gravestone is seen.

The game does include a sailor with a pipe, but this is a liquorice pipe (that does emit smoke).

Skill Level

7+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Younger players need to be able to understand what the characters need and how to progress, or have an older sibling or parent on hand to help.


Time on Frog Island usually costs £15.49 to £19.99. 

Time on Frog Island

XBox Store Xbox X|S £19.99
XBox Store Xbox One £19.99
XBox Store PC £19.99
Switch StoreSALE Switch £19.99 £7.99 until 26/02/2025
Steam Store PC £15.49
PlayStation Store PS5 -
PlayStation Store PS4 -
There are no additional in-game purchases, loot boxes, adverts or subscription costs.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 12/07/2022

Price: 60% Off

Out Now: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One and Xbox X|S

Skill Rating: 7+ year-olds

Players: 1

Genres: Communication, Sequencing (Collecting, Narrative and Traversal)

Accessibility: 24 features

Components: 2D Overhead, Cartoon, Day and Night and Weather

Developer: Half Past Yellow (@HalfPastYellow)

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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