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Williams Pinball

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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Williams Pinball (2018) is a series of simulation games that recreate the classic pinball experience in a virtual space. You shoot the balls up the table, use the flippers to keep it up, and can even nudge the table to stop it from sinking. It stands out for the accuracy of the experience in the game to the real thing, with exact replicas of real tables and physics that make the ball behave correctly.

Williams is a renowned designer and manufacturer of pinball machines. Many of its real-world tables can be played on different systems through games that simulate the original experience:

Pinball FX offers a range of Williams tables for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Switch:
  • Free: Fish Tales
  • Volume 1: The Getaway: High-Speed II, Junk Yard, Medieval Madness
  • Volume 2: The Party Zone, Black Rose, Attack from Mars
  • Volume 3: Theatre of Magic, The Champion Pub, Safe Cracker
  • Volume 4: White Water, Hurricane, Red & Ted's Road Show
  • Volume 5: Tales of the Arabian Nights, Cirqus Voltaire, No Good Gofers
  • Volume 6: Funhouse, Space Station, Dr Dude and His Excellent Ray
  • Williams Pinball: Universal Monsters Pack: Creature from the Black Lagoon and Monster Bash

Williams Pinball is a stand-alone version of Pinball FX on iOS and Android with the following tables:
  • Fish Tales, Medieval Madness, Attack from Mars, Junk Yard, The Party Zone, Black Rose and The Getaway High-Speed II.

Pinball Hall of Fame Williams Collection on Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox 360:
  • Black Knight, FunHouse, Gorgar, PIN•BOT, Space Shuttle, Taxi, Whirlwind, Firepower, Jive Time, Sorcerer, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Medieval Madness, No Good Gofers

Williams Pinball Classic on PS3, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360:
  • Gorgar, Taxi, Pin*Bot, Funhouse, Black Knight, Space Shuttle, Firepower, Whirlwind, Sorcerer, Jive Time, Medieval Madness, Tales Of The Arabian Nights, and No Good Gofers

Pinball Arcade on iOS, Android, PlayStation 4, PS Vita, Xbox One and Mac. When it launched it had a licence for Williams tables including the much sought-after Addams Family. However, this licence has now been passed on to other developers. You can still play its Williams pinball tables if you purchased them while they had the licence:
  • Bally: Theatre of Magic, Cirqus Voltaire, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Scared Stiff, Twilight Zone, Attack from Mars, Dr Dude and His Excellent Ray, Cactus Canyon, Centaur, The, Champion Pub, Black Rose, WHO Dunnit, The Party Zone, The Addams Family, The Addams Family Gold, Xenon, Safe Cracker, Judge Dredd, Fireball, Eight Ball Deluxe, Doctor Who, Paragon, World Champion Soccer, Fathom
  • Williams: Tales of the Arabian Nights, The Machine: Bride of Pin•Bot, Medieval Madness, FunHouse, Gorgar, Monster Bash, Black Knight, Taxi, No Good Gofers, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Firepower, Space Shuttle, White Water, PIN•BOT, Whirlwind, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Fish Tales, Black Knight 2000, High Speed, Junk Yard, Diner, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Earthshaker!, Cyclone, Jack•Bot, Red & Ted's Road Show, The Getaway: High-Speed II, F-14 Tomcat, No Fear: Dangerous Sports, Hurricane, Swords of Fury, Firepower II, Spanish Eyes, Wild Card, Sorcerer, Banzai Run.

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked Williams Pinball 4 years ago. It was re-examined by Thom Robertson and updated 7 weeks ago.
Kids not old enough for this yet? There are lots of games similar to Williams Pinball. Here are some similar younger-rated games:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Simulation game with Shooting elements. You can play with 1 to 4 players in the same room, but you can’t play it online. Turn taking multiplayer competitions

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: It takes between 1 minute and half an hour to play a round of this game. Pinball can be over almost instantly, but as you learn how to hit the loops and targets to build score and earn more balls, you can last for a considerable time.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Williams tables in Pinball FX is rated PEGI 12 for Moderate Violence, Mild Swearing.

Williams Pinball on iOS and Android is rated PEGI 12 for Nudity, Mild swearing, Simulated gambling.

Rated for younger players in the US. Williams tables in Pinball FX are rated ESRB EVERYONE 10+ for Animated Blood, Mild Violence and Suggestive Themes. The Gorgar pinball machine depicts a devil-like creature holding a woman on an altar. The stone altar is covered with blue and red streaks that strongly imply a blood effect; the woman wears a small bikini that exposes deep cleavage. As players hit targets and achieve objectives on each table, brief animated sequences appear on a dot-matrix screen. Some of these animations can include brief images of characters getting impaled with a spear or being captured by evil birds (e.g., text displays "1 child eaten" at the end of the mini-game).


Williams Pinball

PlayStation Store PS4 -
XBox Store Xbox One -
App Store Mac Unavailable On Digital Store
There are the following additional costs associated with this game:
  • In-Game Purchases: Additional in-game purchases are offered for items that enhance the experience.
Many Williams pinball games offer one or two for free then provide additional purchasable tables. You can often buy the Williams tables cheaper in a bundle. For example, Pinball FX3 Williams Pinball Season 1 Bundle includes:
  • Volume 1: The Getaway: High Speed II, Junk Yard,Medieval Madness
  • Volume 2: The Party Zone, Black Rose, Attack from Mars
  • Volume 3: Theatre of Magic, The Champion Pub, Safe Cracker
  • Volume 4: White Water, Hurricane, Red & Ted's Road Show 
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DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 09/10/2018

Out Now: 3DS and 2DS, Android, Mac, PS3, PS4, Wii, Xbox One and iOS

Players: 1-4

Genres: Simulation and Shooting

Accessibility: 17 features

Components: 2D Overhead and Hand-Made

Developer: Far Sight Studios (@FarSightStudios)

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