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Digital Stories Styles of Play

These relate to games that tell stories in different ways. Like novels, picture books, movies and theatre, video games can create narratives. However, they do this in new and unexpected ways. They uncover some different styles of storytelling in video games.

Linear Narrative
These are games that offer a pre-set narrative that you can't impact the path or outcome, or even who is present at the outcome. They offer a way to involve yourself with the story with interactions that create a sense of agency and connection, but without any impact on how things unfold in front of you.

22/11/2023 / 5 months ago

Many games offer you the chance to talk to other characters. Commonly this provides the sense of agency but doesn't actually impact the journey of a conversation. However, there are some games that react more to your choices of what to say and who to speak to.

22/11/2023 / 5 months ago

28/11/2023 / 5 months ago

Branching Narrative
These are narrative games that take you on a different path through the story based on your performance and choices. This is more than particular scenes or interactions being shortened or missed. These games offer a different path through the narrative so that routes result in whole branches of what could have happened being unreachable. While these branches may converge back to a single ending, your journey to get to the end will be substantially different each time you play.

22/11/2023 / 5 months ago

Branching Middles
Games that have a single ending (that may or may not involve different characters), but offer different routes to get there. This style of narrative includes games that bring the story back to a single point at the end of each chapter, as well as stories where choices in one chapter can affect another.

28/11/2023 / 5 months ago

Multiple Endings
Games that have different endings, depending on your choices and performance. This is more than just different people being present or absent at the end of the story. These games offer a substantially different narrative ending. This includes games that result in different people being present or absent at the end of the story.

22/11/2023 / 5 months ago

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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