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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Automatoys (2022) is a puzzle where you manipulate 3D mechanisms to direct a ball to the goal. You interact with contraptions on each level with a single press that flicks, whacks and nudges the ball past obstacles, gaps and timed jumps. It looks simple, but it can be tricky to get the ball to go where you want it to. Its nostalgic, pinball machine style and retro coin dispenser sound effects evoke the feel of a real life plastic toy.

Each level acts like an on/off switch. When you tap the screen, pieces of the level move or tilt. Tapping once again resets those pieces back to their position. You need to tap at the right times to make sure your ball doesn't fall down gaps.

As you progress, you get used to the pinball machine-like flicks and bumps. There's a surprising amount of control and nuance from this simple input. Still, the levels become more intricate and complex to maintain the level of challenge. For example, later stages introduce more reliance on magnets, which feels unfamiliar and challenging.

Each level has a star rating of up to three, based on how long you take to finish it. That means there are reasons to go back and try to master levels you previously finished. It's a satisfying puzzle game that offers a polished, colourful experience through fun and challenging mechanics.

Our examiner, Joe Eaton, first checked Automatoys 2 years ago. It was re-examined by Thom Robertson and updated 6 days ago.
There are lots of games similar to Automatoys. Here are some we picked for you:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Puzzle game with Brain Game and Traversal elements. This is a single-player game.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: It takes between 2 minutes and 5 minutes to play a round of this game.


Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 3.

Skill Level

5+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Still, it’s important for parents and guardians to ensure they understand in-game purchases and have spending limits set-up. Some aspects of Automatoys may be challenging for younger players, such as timed jump sections and dealing with setbacks.


There are the following additional costs associated with this game:
  • In-Game Purchases: Additional in-game purchases are offered for items that enhance the experience.
You can try three levels for free but then need to purchase the rest. 
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DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 18/08/2022, updated in 2022

Out Now: Android and iOS

Skill Rating: 5+ year-olds

Players: 1

Genres: Puzzle (Brain Game and Traversal)

Accessibility: 18 features

Components: 2D Overhead and Blocks

Developer: Idle Friday (@IdleFriday)

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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