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Super Mario Bros
14 Accessibility Features

We've documented 14 accessibility features for Super Mario Bros Wonder, including Play Without Hearing, Audio Cues, Partially Voiced, Speaker Indicator and Fully Subtitled (Or No Speech). Its accessibility is strongest in Reading and Getting Started but it also has features in Controls, Navigation, Visual and Audio to reduce unintended barriers.

This report is created with input from accessibility experts and the player community to help people find games that have the accessibility features they require. Once you have found potential games on the database, there are excellent specialist accessibility sites that offer in-depth reviews to guide your purchasing decisions.

Super Mario Bros Wonder is a running and jumping game that evolves the classic 2D Mario genre in weird and dream-like directions. You play with up to four friends, each picking from Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Yoshi and other Nintendo characters. It stands out from other 2D Mario games surprisingly well, drawing on the bizarre feel of the Rayman games to create a psychedelic multi-verse where anything is possible.

Our accessibility examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked Super Mario Bros Wonder accessibility 15 months ago.

NotesAccessibility Notes

Although the text is clear and good contrast sometimes it is quite small. Subtitles are larger, but still not able to be 1/20 of screen.

You can't set the difficulty but levels to tell you how difficult they are before you start. There are two characters who don't get hurt by enemies, Yoshi and Nabbit, who don’t take damage from enemies, although they can die by falling into pits. You can reduce the number of presses to use the ground-pound move as well as turn off motion controls.

There aren't a lot of assists, but you can store an ability in reserve to call upon if you get stuck or hit by an enemy. There are also some badges (that you need to unlock) that change the game so you can fall off once without dying, others include:
  • Parachute Cap Badge: Press R to use your hat to float slowly downward.
  • Wall-Climb Jump Badge: Get a vertical jump (rather than a normal jump) by pressing jump a second time when you are against a wall.
  • Dolphin Kick Badge: Speed burst underwater.
  • Floating High Jump Badge: Jump higher than usual with a slight float.
  • Crouching High Jump Badge: Crouch to then get a high jump.
  • Timed High Jump Badge: Multiple jumps in a row jump higher.
  • Fast Dash Badge: A dash move.
  • Grappling Vine Badge: Launch a vine to grab a wall.
  • Boosting Spin Jump Badge: Spin after jumping for higher jump.
  • Coin Reward Badge: Get more coins for killing enemies.
  • Auto Super Mushroom Badge: Start with a Super Mushroom
  • Add Blocks Badge: Add Blocks to courses.
  • Safety Bounce Badge: Bounce back (just once) if you fall into a pit or lava.
  • Rhythm Jump Badge: Jump with the beat to earn coins.
  • Sensor Badge: Get indication of important items nearby (Wonder Flowers or 10-flower coins).
  • Coin Magnet Badge: Scoop up nearby coins.
  • All Elephant Power Badge: Any power-up grants Elephant form.
  • All Fire Power Badge: Any power-up grants Fire form.
  • All Bubble Power Badge: Any power-up grants Bubble form.
  • All Drill Power Badge: Any power up grants Drill form.
  • Jet Run Badge: Super dash and speed.
  • Spring Feet Badge: Constant high hopping.
  • Invisibility Badge: Disappear so it's hard for enemies to see you.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 20/10/2023

Out Now: Switch

Skill Rating: 8+ year-olds

Players: 1-4 (4 online)

Genres: Action, Platform (Adventure and Traversal)

Accessibility: 14 features

Components: 2D Side-On and Cartoon

Developer: Nintendo (@Nintendo)

Costs: Purchase cost



We've documented 2 accessibility features for Controls in Super Mario Bros Wonder which deal with how you control the game, different options for alternative inputs and whether you can remap these settings to suit your needs.


Can play with the following:

Multiple Buttons & Single Stick: Can play with multiple buttons and a stick.

Controller Vibration

Vibration Optional: Controller vibration not used in the game or you can disable it.


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We haven’t documented any accessibility features for Difficulty in Super Mario Bros Wonder which deal with how you can adjust the challenge of play, and whether this is locked once chosen or can be adjusted as you play. The following games are similar to Super Mario Bros Wonder, and offer accessibility features for Difficulty:

Getting StartedGetting Started

We've documented 3 accessibility features for Getting Started in Super Mario Bros Wonder which deal with what support is offered to get started with the game. This includes customising the experience when you first open the game via any onboarding processes it provides as well as tutorials and other assistance when you first start playing.

Assistance Getting Starting

These features aid your play of the game in terms of cognitive load on learning controls, dealing with pressure and coping with the environment and challenges.

Tutorials: There are helpful tutorials and instructions on how to play. Information is provided in a timely manner, with appropriate level of detail.

No Jump Scares: No sudden loud noises or popping-up scary visuals that unexpectedly appear without warning, or the option to disable them.

Assistance For Progressing

These features aid your progress through the game offering different ways of maintaining your progression.

Bank Progress With Frequent Checkpoints: If you fail you can retry that level or aspect of the game without losing a lot of progress (less than 5 minutes). This is often provided via Frequent Checkpoints combined with restarting without losing time, equipment or score.


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If you want to play Super Mario Bros Wonder, but it doesn't offer the Getting Started accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Getting Started accessibility:


We've documented 5 accessibility features for Reading in Super Mario Bros Wonder which deal with how much reading or listening comprehension is required, how well the game provides visual and audible access to the text and whether subtitles and captions are a good fit for purpose.

Reading Level

How much reading is required to play the game's main path or story and how complex the language is. The presence of voiced characters doesn't reduce this requirement, as it's recorded as a separate datapoint.

Simple Minimal Reading: Minimal reading is required. The quantity and complexity of reading are at a level that a primary/elementary student (9-year-old) could understand.

Text Visibility

High Contrast Text: Text colour contrasts to the background or can be adjusted to be. The text in menus, instructions and other information is presented in high contrast with a solid background.


All Speech Subtitled (Or No Speech In Game): All spoken content has subtitles, or there is no speech in the game. This means there is no requirement to hear spoken dialogue or narrative to play the game.


Speaker Indicator: Textual captions indicate who is speaking (or there is only ever one person speaking). This can also be indicated visually in the game with character icons or placing text in speech bubbles next to the person speaking.

Voice Acted

Some Dialogue is Voice Acted: Some of the game dialogue and narrative is voice acted. This reduces the pressure on reading all the dialogue text, although not everything is provided audibly.


Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Reading

If you want to play Super Mario Bros Wonder, but it doesn't offer the Reading accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Reading accessibility:


We've documented 2 accessibility features for Navigation in Super Mario Bros Wonder which deal with how the game provides guidance and assistance to navigate its worlds. These are only for games that have traversal and exploration in 2D and 3D spaces.

Head-Up Display

Game Map: View a map of the game world during play, with the landscape, points of interest and missions highlighted throughout the entire game. This enables the orientation of the player and the world, confirming a direction of movement and the location of destinations or points of exploration.

Menu Navigation

Menu Audio Cues: Navigating menus provide an audio cue for each selection.


Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Navigation

If you want to play Super Mario Bros Wonder, but it doesn't offer the Navigation accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Navigation accessibility:


We've documented 2 accessibility features for Visual in Super Mario Bros Wonder which deal with how you can adjust the visuals to suit your needs, and offer additional information if you can't hear the game.

Audio Cues for Visual Events

Audio Cues for Visual Events: Audio is provided to indicate visual events. Game events or progress highlighted by visual icons, effects or animations are also accompanied by audio to signify that progress. This is useful for blind players.

Menu Audio Cues: Navigating menus provide an audio cue for each selection.


Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Visual

If you want to play Super Mario Bros Wonder, but it doesn't offer the Visual accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Visual accessibility:


We've documented 1 accessibility feature for Audio in Super Mario Bros Wonder which deals with how you can adjust the audio of the game and whether audio cues compensate for aspects of the game that are hard to see.

Play Without Hearing

Play Without Hearing: No audio cues are necessary to play the game well.


Similar Games With More Accessibility Features for Audio

If you want to play Super Mario Bros Wonder, but it doesn't offer the Audio accessibility features you require, these similar games extend the Audio accessibility:


We haven’t documented any accessibility features for Communication in Super Mario Bros Wonder which deal with how you can communicate with other players in the game and what options are available to customise and control this interaction. The following games are similar to Super Mario Bros Wonder, and offer accessibility features for Communication:

System Accessibility Settings

In addition to the accessibility features provided in the game, you can also use system-wide accessibility settings:

Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch has some built-in features, including a lockable zoom, that can be used on all games.
Read more about system accessibility settings.

VSC LogoAccessibility Report supported by VSC Rating Board, PlayabilityInitiative and accessibility contributors Andy Robertson

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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