Video games are not often used in mature cultural spaces. We expect to find them in bedrooms, living rooms, the chip shop and the motorway services. But we don't expect to find them in arts festivals, church services or park gatherings.
Over the years Andy Robertson (@GeekDadGamer) has worked to cross this line, bringing video games to be a central part of aspects of culture usually reserved for more weighty or serious things.
This has sometimes been to great outside video game experiences, with games like That Dragon Cancer, Passage and Jesus Run, at the Greenbelt Arts Festival. Other times he has set up unusual video games like Joust Mania, in local parks. Then he worked with the Church of England to run acts of worship in Exeter Cathedral where a video game like Flower, Journey or Abzu are a central element.
Video Resources
Church services integrated with video game:
Video game at Greenbelt art festival:
Video game devotions and discussions:
This list includes 15 games from the last 25 years, with 492 likes. They come from a range of different genres and play-styles and are all good games if you want to use games in church.