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Big Walk

Our accessibility experts are yet to assess Big Walk. If you'd like to suggest accessibility features we should record for Big Walk, let us know on Twitter or via email. You can also Tweet, to invite the developer  to complete our accessibility questionnaire.Big Walk is a traversal game where you head into a wide-open world with online friends. You decide where to go together by following your nose while taking on challenges, puzzles and making discoveries. It stands out for its focus on the journey and the conversation as much as the adventure itself.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: Coming soon

Coming Soon: PC

Skill Rating: 8+ year-olds

Players: 6 online

Genres: Adventure, Communication, Narrative, Traversal and Puzzle

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: 3D First-Person, Day and Night and Open World

Developer: House House (@House_House_)

Costs: Purchase cost


System Accessibility Settings

In addition to the accessibility features provided in the game, you can also use system-wide accessibility settings:

Windows has extensive accessibility features. Some, like colour correction, work with games. Lots of accessibility software can be used with PC games, from voice recognition to input device emulators.
Read more about system accessibility settings.

VSC LogoAccessibility Report supported by VSC Rating Board, PlayabilityInitiative

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