Our accessibility experts are yet to assess Squirrel with a Gun. If you'd like to suggest accessibility features we should record for Squirrel with a Gun, let us know on Twitter or via email. You can also Tweet, to invite the developer to complete our accessibility questionnaire.Squirrel with a Gun is an open-world simulation game where you play, as the title suggests, as a squirrel with a gun. It sounds like a joke, but actually offers a surprisingly entertaining tongue in cheek challenge as you fight using precise moves and attacks to disarm and defeat enemies, loot residents at gunpoint, and cause mayhem. It's an intentionally ridiculous and over-the-top concept that offers nonsensical hilarity as you wreak havoc to your heart's desire.
Game Details
Release Date: 29/08/2024
Price: Free
Out Now: Android, PC, PS5 and Xbox X|S
Skill Rating: 10+ year-olds
Players: 1
Genres: Shooting, Traversal (Action, Fighting, Platform and Simulation)
Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )
Components: 3D Third-Person and Open World
Developer: Quite Dan (@QuiteDan)
Costs: Free. Advertising
System Accessibility Settings
In addition to the accessibility features provided in the game, you can also use system-wide accessibility settings:
Android has accessibility settings including ways to navigate and interact, although not all games support this.
Windows has extensive accessibility features. Some, like colour correction, work with games. Lots of accessibility software can be used with PC games, from voice recognition to input device emulators.
PlayStation 5
PlayStation 5 has a range of system-wide accessibility settings.
Xbox Series X|S
Xbox One has a system features, the excellent co-pilot share controls mode and adaptive controller support for all games.
Read more about system accessibility settings.
Accessibility Report supported by VSC Rating Board, PlayabilityInitiative