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Bioshock 2

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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Bioshock 2 (2010) is a horror shooting game. A sequel to the original Bioshock, it's also set in the underwater city of Rapture. This time you play as a Big Daddy, the heavily armed bodyguard of zombified Little Sisters. It's another chance to spend time in the well realised world of the original, but with some game mechanic improvements that expand on the story behind the Little Sisters and their relationship the Big Daddies.

Bioshock 2 is played through the eyes of the protagonist with only your hands visible. Unlike Bioshock, you have a built-in weapon in one hand, and Plasmid super-powers in the other, allowing you to use both attack simultaneously. You use rivet guns, giant drills, and firearms to defend yourself against the horde of frenzied humanoids. Special powers such as telekinesis, electricity, and fire/freezing can also be used to kill the attacking populace.

Other features of the original persist, including murderous Splicers (the crazy inhabitants of Rapture), machine hacking, plasmid gathering, and of course the harvesting or saving of Little Sisters. As with the first game you have moral choices to make throughout, and these choices affect how you progress and how the game ends.

The games in the series are available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Switch either as original releases or in a variety of remastered packs:
  • Bioshock (2007)
  • Bioshock 2 (2010)
  • BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition (2012) BioShock and BioShock 2
  • Bioshock Infinite (2013)
  • BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea (2014)
  • BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition (2014) Main game and extra content.
  • BioShock: The Collection (2020) HD version of all games on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Switch

It is recommended that you play Bioshock before tackling the sequel, as this is more of an expansion of the world it has created, and will make more sense if you have previous knowledge of Rapture and its inhabitants.

Our examiner, Andrea Walney, first checked Bioshock 2 3 years ago. It was re-examined by Thom Robertson and updated 6 days ago.
Kids not old enough for this yet? There are lots of games similar to Bioshock 2. Here are some similar younger-rated games:

Play StylePlay Style

This is an Adventure and Shooting game with Action, Fighting and Role-Play elements. You can play this by yourself or as a 10-player online game. This is for the standalone Fall of Rapture and not the main game. There is also a stand-alone multiplayer game within called Bioshock 2: Fall of Rapture which has various modes of team and individual shooting matches and capture the flag style of games, similar to Call of Duty. There is a choice of 10 characters.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: This game will take between 11 hours and 13 hours to complete.


This game is good if you want to:

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 18 for Language and Violence. Violence is the game is graphic in nature, human characters can be dismembered and exploded into chunks. There is a scene in the game in which a prisoner is blindfolded and locked in a room, unable to escape. The player can push a button to electrocute the prisoner. The game also contains use of the words "C*!t", "F%$k" and its derivatives.
Users Interact: The game enables players to interact and communicate with each other, so may expose players to language usually associated with older rated games.

Rated for younger players in Australia. Rated Mature Accompanied (MA 15+) for Strong horror themes, violence and coarse language.

Skill Level

15+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Still, it's important for parents and guardians to consider the maturity required to process the game content.

Account Rating

You don’t need a platform subscription to play this game online.


Bioshock 2 usually costs £13.99 to £15.99. 

BioShock 2

Bioshock 2

Steam Store PC £13.99
Steam Store Mac £13.99
There are no additional in-game purchases, loot boxes, adverts or subscription costs.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 09/02/2010, updated in 2020

Price: 75% Off

Out Now: Mac, PC, PS3, PS4, Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Xbox X|S

Skill Rating: 15+ year-olds

Players: 1 (10 online)

Genres: Adventure, Shooting (Action, Fighting and Role-Play)

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: 3D First-Person and Open World

Developer: Arkane Studios (@ArkaneStudios)

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