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Flick 'em Up

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Flick 'em Up (2015) is a flicking dexterity game of western shoot-outs. You aim to shoot teams of cowboys by flicking bullets at them. It's fiddly in the best kind of way and is simple enough to understand quickly whilst also offering some cleverly deep layers.

You start by setting up the cowboys' houses, cacti and other items in different scenarios. To start with you can just go head to head down a street, but as you get more proficient and ambitious there are new concepts, weapons and items to introduce. How you set it up is actually up to you and some of the best games include invented rules from the players.

Each turn you get two actions per cowboy. Flick to shoot a bullet from each of your characters, aiming to knock over enemies so they lose a life. You can also flick to move your cowboys around. This can be to get away from an easy shot, or to enter a building for some safety and to pick up or drop off weapons, extra lives or cash.

As you take on more complex scenarios the goals change with missions like stealing gold, finding the barrels with poisoned water and protecting civilians. There are also some nice twists like duels where you take on another player in a flicking mini-game to see who can hit who first while slowly moving towards each other. Another nice bit of finessing the rules is special weapons like the Winchester, which grants you the use of an aiming tool.

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked Flick 'em Up 2 years ago. It was re-examined by Jo Robertson and updated 11 days ago.
There are lots of games similar to Flick 'em Up. Here are some we picked for you:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Battle and Dexterity game. You can play with 2 to 10 players in the same room. Best with 2 or 4.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Learn to Play: This takes 10 minutes to learn. It's quick to learn the basics, although understanding how to work with (rather than get frustrated by) the fiddly aspect of the game takes longer.

The first time you play this can help get started:
  • Pick a very simple scenario or make up your own.
  • It's often a good idea to not stand up shot characters until you have to.
  • Let players practice shooting and give younger players extra chances.

Play Time: This game will take between half an hour and 45 minutes to complete. The first time you set things up takes longer, and the duration depends on how many players and which scenario you take on.


This game is good if you want to:

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Skill Level

8+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. The flicking is a little tricky, although younger players with smaller fingers and limbs often get on well. You do need patience when you miss.

Content Rating

We rate this suitable for 7+ years-olds. The game does include shooting to kill cowboys and the use of different weapons. But of course, none of this is graphic and cowboys get back up after being shot.


There are no additional in-game purchases, loot boxes, adverts or subscription costs.
There are expansions that you can purchase that offer additional rules and scenarios:
  • Flick 'em Up! Stallion Canyon (2015) Adds dashing horses, two cowgirls and new towns and scenarios.
  • Flick 'em Up!: Red Rock Tomahawk (2016) Adds Native American villages and characters armed with bows and tomahawks.
  • Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (2017) Adds zombies from the best-selling Dead of Winter.
  • Flick 'em Up!: Blacksmith (2017) Adds Blacksmith that grants free action of flicking a horseshoe to stun players. 

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 01/01/2015, updated in 2017

Skill Rating: 8+ year-olds

Players: 2-10

Genres: Battle and Dexterity

Accessibility: 0 features documented

Components: Figures, Placeables and Tokens

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