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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Animal Well (2024) is a platform puzzle game where you explore a dense, interconnected labyrinth. Play involves collecting items that let you manipulate the world in unexpected ways. It's a layered experience that works as a platform game but also hides secrets that are hard to discover.

Play involves exploring the world like other platform combat games. As you go you find items that provide new ways to change the environment and progress to new areas. But unlike more straightforward Metroid-style games there is a survival element too. You need to light candles for safety and gradually fill out your map.

The result is a game that you can progress at your own pace and rooms you can discover in whatever order you choose. Nothing is locked off from you, provided you know what to do. What keeps it from being quickly finished is the layered depth of its secrets that the developer intends the player community to discover together. "The main game is just the beginning. Players will be discovering hidden puzzles for years."

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked Animal Well 23 months ago. It was re-examined by Jo Robertson and updated yesterday.
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Play StylePlay Style

This is a Collecting and Platform game with Adventure, Brain Game, Puzzle and Traversal elements. This is a single-player game.

You can play this game in the following styles:


We haven't documented duration data for this game yet.


Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 7 for Mild Violence and Fear.

Rated for younger players in the US. Rated ESRB EVERYONE for Mild Fantasy Violence. Players traverse platforms, solve puzzles, and avoid various animal enemies and hazards (e.g., spike pits, fireballs). One enemy threatens players by shooting laser beams from its eyes. Some enemies can be defeated with firecrackers/fireworks.


Animal Well

PlayStation Store PS5 Coming Soon
Steam Store PC Coming Soon
PlayStation Store PS4 Coming Soon
There are no additional in-game purchases, loot boxes, adverts or subscription costs.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 09/05/2024

Coming Soon: PC, PS4 and PS5

Players: 1

Genres: Collecting, Platform (Adventure, Brain Game, Puzzle and Traversal)

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: 2D Side-On and Pixels

Developer: Animal Well (@Animal_Well)

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