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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Meeple Land (2020) is a world-building game where you race to create the most successful theme park. You place Ride and Concession tiles to attract visitors to your park, but you are also racing other players to collect people from the buses, so can't take too long finessing your plans. It is a game about creating the perfect theme park, filling it with all the best rides and making sure that it is a place that people want to come to.

You play as a budding designer tasked with creating the perfect theme park. Each turn, you buy rides and concessions and join them carefully together lining up paths on the tiles. Your aim is to add a wide variety of rides, whilst ensuring that they are linked to the right combinations of concessions. This means you can welcome the most people to your park. But, the more useful a ride, the more it costs. As you play, space on your map becomes more limited and forces you to make difficult decisions about the rides you purchase and the ones that you have to leave for someone else to buy.

At the end of each round, your park welcomes a busload of Meeple figures, which you must accommodate in your park. Leave any on the bus and you score minus points but for each, you add to your park you earn money to spend in the next round. After four rounds the player with the most points is the winner.

What starts as a fun world-building experience, quickly develops into a strategic real-estate puzzle. You must use your resources carefully to ensure that your park has the best rides but you can still afford to install toilets. But all the while other players are racing to open their parks and grab the buses with the most Meeple figures. Take too long and you'll build the perfect park but have no one to visit.

Our examiner, Rob Prior, first checked Meeple Land 23 months ago. It was re-examined by Jo Robertson and updated 5 days ago.
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Play StylePlay Style

This is a World Building game with Collecting, Puzzle and Strategy elements. You can play with 2 to 4 players in the same room. Best with 3 players.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Learn to Play: This takes 40 minutes to learn. It is a fairly complex game to learn as there are four different actions to choose from on each turn and the map pieces all have different extra rules that need understanding. There are also different point-scoring rules between rounds and at the end of the game.

Play Time: This game will take between 45 minutes and 1 hour to complete.


Age RatingsAge Ratings

Skill Level

8+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Younger players need to be able to count money, make strategic decisions over the four rounds and deal with the disappointment of someone else claiming your perfect bus full of people.

Content Rating

We rate this suitable for 3+ years-olds.


There are no additional in-game purchases, loot boxes, adverts or subscription costs.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 01/01/2020

Skill Rating: 8+ year-olds

Players: 2-4

Genres: World Building (Collecting, Puzzle and Strategy)

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: Board, Figures, Placeables, Score Board and Tokens

Developer: Blue Orange Games (@BlueOrangeGames)

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