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Super Buckyball

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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Super Buckyball Tournament (2022) is a multiplayer futuristic sport game where teams of three battle each other to get an oversized ball into the goal. It's like Rocket League only without those tricky car physics. Instead you use your character to run, pass, kick and hit the ball where you need it.

Super Buckyball Tournament is a cyberpunk sports game where each character has their own unique offensive or defensive superpowers. This takes the Rocket League fun in a character-based direction. Storm the field as a forward, stand tall between the posts as a defender, or choose one of the balanced characters and rule both halves of the ball.

You take on other teams of three in online matches for competitive or casual play. You need both teamwork and strategy as well as your superpowers to do well. Coordinate manoeuvres with an assisted passing system that encourages quick passing and smooth collaborative plays. Then there are pick-up abilities that let you do things like put up defensive walls or make the ball extra heavy.

The result is a more approachable version of Rocket League. Mix in a helping of classic game Speedball and Mario Charged Soccer and you have this new style of sports challenge. Being able to simple run where you want to go, does away with the fiddly driving. It's a game you can jump in with friends and have a quick match, but also rewards skill and strategy as you develop your teamwork.

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked Super Buckyball Tournament 19 months ago. It was re-examined by Jo Robertson and updated 18 months ago.
There are lots of games similar to Super Buckyball Tournament. Here are some we picked for you:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Simulation and Sports game with Action elements. You can play this by yourself or as a 6-player online game. Compete in teams of three against other human players online.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: It takes between 5 minutes and 10 minutes to play a round of this game.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

This game has not yet been rated, but we anticipate it is likely to be rated PEGI 7.
Users Interact: The game enables players to interact and communicate with each other, so may expose players to language usually associated with older rated games.

Skill Level

7+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Still, it’s important for parents and guardians to ensure they understand in-game purchases and have spending limits set-up. Younger players need to have good teamwork, movement and combat skills. Getting the right angle can be tricky but with practice most players perfect this.


Super Buckyball Tournament

Steam Store PC -
There are the following additional costs associated with this game:
  • In-Game Purchases: Additional in-game purchases are offered for items that enhance the experience.
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DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 15/11/2022

Out Now: PC

Skill Rating: 7+ year-olds

Players: 1 (6 online)

Genres: Simulation, Sports and Action

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: 3D Third-Person

Developer: Pathea Games (@PatheaGames)

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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