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Best Sports Games

When we think of sports things like football, rugby, running and boxing spring to mind. Along with simulated these physical sports, video games extend the sporting genre in different directions.

Some games, like Pyre use the sports setting and aesthetic for a futuristic narrative that spins off into adventure or role play. Others, like Rocket League iterate on traditional sports by adding new elements or combining previously separate disciplines.

There are sports games, like Skate that focus on the rush and thrill of sporting participation, while others like Football Manager stick to simulating a particular sport in minute detail.

Finally, some video games create their own sporting challenge where esports athletes spend hours practising and honing their skills to compete in hugely popular online competition.


DetailsGenre Details

Era: 1993 - 2025
Total Games: 135
Total Likes: 1,626


Mario Strikers Battle League Football is a sports action game and the latest in the Mario Strikers series.

Mario Strikers Battle League Football is a sports action game and the latest in the Mario Strikers series. Like the previous games, it offers a five-on-five battle sport that combines football and ice hockey with Nintendo characters.

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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