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Mental Health Pathways

These are games that are helpful for mental health. This includes games that have been helpful for specific mental health challenges, as well as games that help us understand the challenge faced by the people we love. Some of these are designed to be used as a source of games that offer wellbeing in different ways.

I've always been drawn to video games and have played from a young age. However, it's been a love-hate relationship where I found many games frustrating and confusing to play. It wasn't until returning to video games as an adult that I started to see how they could overload my brain in a way that made me feel left out and inadequate. It's a realisation that has helped me find games I love, as well as shed light on other areas of my life.

05/04/2022 / 2 years ago

I've played video games on and off my whole life. This has ebbed and flowed depending on what else was happening in my life. In recent years, and particularly during the pandemic, I've returned to playing games more intentionally.

05/04/2022 / 2 years ago

I’m Chris Leech, a PhD Psychology researcher looking at video games and student mental health. I’m also a person with Albinism, so I’m visually impaired/legally blind and have this awesome white hair/beard combo (it really is as soft as it looks!).

25/04/2022 / 2 years ago

I’m Tamer Asfahani, a broadcast journalist and producer. I’ve worked at most of the big broadcasters and founded ArabicGamers and Checkpoint. I am the eldest of three siblings and a father of two under 10s. I’ve been a gamer my whole life and have always tried to shoehorn gaming and the learnings I’ve taken away into anything I do.

16/05/2022 / 24 months ago

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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