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Gaming 101:
Rhythm Games

In this series, we are learning how different aspects of video games work by playing games that offer an easy introduction to this one concept. This is designed for people new to gaming and aims to identify games with the least barriers. In this entry, we are looking at Rhythm games.

Rhythm video games are played while listening to music or a drum beat of some kind. To progress well you have to press buttons and interact in time with the music. Sometimes this is simply to make music in its own right, while at others it's to interact in others ways, often called Rhythm Action.

Many rhythm games include multiplayer modes in which players compete for the highest score or cooperate as a simulated musical ensemble. Along with gamepads, specialised input devices (plastic instruments, dance mats and the like) enable a more creative interaction.

The Rhythm interaction can be combined with all manner of other genres. This adds another layer to Platform, Adventure or Shooting games. In these instances, hitting buttons in time with the beat offers additional effects or powered-up attacks. The Rhythm nature of these video games can also add an Active aspect to play. Not only do you find yourself moving your body in time with the beat to get the right timing, but some of these games offer a fully active dance experience where motion and gestures are detected by controllers.
This list includes 16 games from the last 19 years, with 87 likes. They come from a range of different genres and play-styles and are all good games if you want to play your first rhythm game.

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