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Nintendo Download Play
Author: Andy Robertson

14/05/2020 08:19:59 / 4 years ago / Author: Andy Robertson

The Nintendo DS and 3DS/2DS offers a feature for some games where you can play on multiple systems with one copy of the game. This is a great way to save money for multiplayer games.

The main player has the game in their DS, the other players go to the Download Play option in the menu of their DS. The game then downloads a small version to each player so everyone can play.

Some games limit this to just one other player, but games like Mario Tennis allow for 4 players to compete, and Mario Kart allows for up to 8 players to race against each other with just one copy of the game. Other games, like Luigi's Manion: Dark Moon offers special download multiplayer modes where you can compete against each other.

We have a list of the best of the Download Play game on DS and 3DS. Along with these, here is the longer list of all 3DS Download Play games worth checking out:
Here is a list of the best games you can use the Download Play feature on the DS:
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