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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Mana Spark (2018) is a fantasy adventure where you explore a Tolkein-esque dungeon to fight smart enemies that will plan and collaborate between themselves to defeat you. It's a game you play over and over, improving not only your skill but equipment and attacks each time you delve down into the darkness.

It's a game you must persevere at because you are supposed to die and learn. It has an additional novelty of an analogue aiming system using one of the joysticks as well as granting each enemy a unique set of skills, behaviours and collaborations. You need to learn their patterns and discover weaknesses.

Each time you die you end up back at the camp and can slowly rebuild and maintain the village. Meet new characters, choose your traps, and your weapons and keep track of your discoveries and unlocked content.

The game is designed to make each new run a completely new experience. Each room is handcrafted to get the most out of the combat, but you'll never explore the same dungeon twice.

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked Mana Spark 3 years ago. It was re-examined by Jo Robertson and updated a year ago.
There are lots of games similar to Mana Spark. Here are some we picked for you:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Role-Play and Shooting game with Action, Adventure and Strategy elements. This is a single-player game.


Play Time: It takes between 5 minutes and half an hour to play a round of this game. Sessions may comprise of multiple rounds as you dive into the dungeon multiple times.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 7 for Mild Violence.

Skill Level

8+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. You need to be able to move and aim at the same time. There's also a requirement to try, fail and try again. Part of the fun is getting the best out of the equipment you are constrained with each run so patience and resistance are important.


Mana Spark usually costs £8.99 to £9.29.

Mana Spark

Steam Store PC £9.29
Switch Store Switch £8.99
Steam Store Mac £9.29
There are no additional in-game purchases, loot boxes, adverts or subscription costs.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 22/12/2018

Out Now: Mac, PC and Switch

Skill Rating: 8+ year-olds

Players: 1

Genres: Role-Play, Shooting (Action, Adventure and Strategy)

Accessibility: 16 features

Components: 2D Overhead and Pixels

Developer: Kishimoto Studio (@KishimotoStudio)

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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