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The Adventures of
Robin Hood

Our accessibility experts are yet to assess The Adventures of Robin Hood. If you'd like to suggest accessibility features we should record for The Adventures of Robin Hood, let us know on Twitter or via email. You can also Tweet, to invite the developer  to complete our accessibility questionnaire.The Adventures of Robin Hood is a role-play game where you become Robin Hood and his Merry Men battling Prince John to bring order and peace to Sherwood Forest. You play by moving your Character figures around the board, following prompts in the Storybook, and battling enemies. It is like a board game version of Zelda, where you explore a mythical land, find objects, fight battles, and resolve quests.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 01/01/2021

Skill Rating: 8+ year-olds

Players: 2-4

Genres: Role-Play (Battle, Collecting and Narrative)

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: Bag, Board, Book, Figures, Placeables and Tokens

Developer: Kosmos Games UK (@KosmosGamesUK)

Costs: Purchase cost


VSC LogoAccessibility Report supported by VSC Rating Board, PlayabilityInitiative

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