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Many games provide you with pens and paper (or need you to provide them) to keep tack of scores and other interactions between players. There are some games that provide a custom pad to write on that not only tracks score but your tactical decisions on how to interact with the game.
Blue Lagoon is a strategy game where you aim to take control of a series of islands in an archipelago.
Blue Lagoon is a strategy game where you aim to take control of a series of islands in an archipelago. You place Settler tiles to create the longest lines on the map and claim territory.
Cartographers is a sequencing game where you compete to draw the most effective map of a fantasy kingdom.
Cartographers is a sequencing game where you compete to draw the most effective map of a fantasy kingdom. You play by drawing Tetris-shaped terrain features onto your Map pad, making careful choices of what goes where to maximise points.
Qwixx is a roll-and-write dice game where you cross off the matching coloured numbers on your grid to score the most points.
Qwixx is a roll-and-write dice game where you cross off the matching coloured numbers on your grid to score the most points. You play by rolling dice and choosing which numbers to cross off, aiming to do so progressively to maximise your score.
Telestrations is a drawing, guessing party game that combines Catchphrase and Chinese Whispers.
Telestrations is a drawing, guessing party game that combines Catchphrase and Chinese Whispers. Using a wipeable game book, players work in series to sketch a secret word, guess the word, turn the page and sketch again.
Yahtzee is a push-your-luck game where you try to score the most points.
Yahtzee is a push-your-luck game where you try to score the most points. You play by rolling and then re-rolling select dice to make your target more likely.
Bloom is a roll-and-write game where you compete to become the most successful flower seller.
Bloom is a roll-and-write game where you compete to become the most successful flower seller. You roll dice and mark off colour combinations of flowers to score points.
Just One is a communication party game where you guess words based on one-word clues from the group.
Just One is a communication party game where you guess words based on one-word clues from the group. You work together to help the guesser by writing one-word clues on the wipeable easels.
Next Station: London is a sequencing game where you redesign the London Underground.
Next Station: London is a sequencing game where you redesign the London Underground. You play by drawing lines on a Map sheet to connect stations, zones, and landmarks.
Downforce is a card-based racing game where you bid, bet and race to get ahead.
Downforce is a card-based racing game where you bid, bet and race to get ahead. At the core is a strategic racing game where track placement is key and outfoxing other players at corners is essential.
On Tour is a sequencing game where you are planning a tour of America for your band.
On Tour is a sequencing game where you are planning a tour of America for your band. Each round you roll dice and then write that number into locations on your map to decide the order of dates for your trip.
Railroad Ink is a roll-and-write game where you create a map of transport connections.
Railroad Ink is a roll-and-write game where you create a map of transport connections. You play by rolling dice to provide the road and track you need to draw efficient routes on your map.
Stella: Dixit Universe is a brain game where you make secret associations between words and pictures.
Stella: Dixit Universe is a brain game where you make secret associations between words and pictures. You are presented with a series of detailed Cartoon Story cards and choose the ones that match a shared keyword, aiming to make the same associations as others.
The Isle of Cats is a collecting game where you rescue cats from a doomed island by squeezing them onto your rescue boat.
The Isle of Cats is a collecting game where you rescue cats from a doomed island by squeezing them onto your rescue boat. You play by collecting Tetris-like Cat and Treasure tiles and arranging them carefully onto your Boat board.
Wordoku is a brain game where you race to create words that also solve a puzzle.
Wordoku is a brain game where you race to create words that also solve a puzzle. You play by moving Letter tiles around in a 4-by-4 grid, aiming to balance creating words with organising the four symbols.
Pictionary Air is a party game where teams compete to guess the most words on a card using just their drawing abilities.
Pictionary Air is a party game where teams compete to guess the most words on a card using just their drawing abilities. Unlike the classic game, you use a light pen to draw pictures in the air, which are displayed on a screen.
Last Message is a crime-solving communication battle between Detectives and a Criminal, fought through the exchange of drawn clues.
Last Message is a crime-solving communication battle between Detectives and a Criminal, fought through the exchange of drawn clues. The Victim draws clues about the Criminal's identity, but the Criminal can tamper with the drawing before the Detectives see it.
Silver & Gold is a turn-and-write card game where you match shapes to find treasure.
Silver & Gold is a turn-and-write card game where you match shapes to find treasure. You flip over an Expedition card and then mark a matching shape of squares on your (wipeable) Island card.