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Play OverviewPlay Overview

One Night Hot Springs (2018) is a narrative game where you play Haru, a 19-year-old transgender woman in Japan. She's invited by an old friend on an overnight trip to a hot springs resort. You make dialogue and interactive choices as you discover that Haru is reluctant because hot spring baths in Japan tend to divide by gender.

With cartoon visuals, and dialogue bubbles, you guide Haru through various moments of decision: should you be cautious about anxiety-inducing scenarios, or more open and truthful? For example, when your friend calls, do you agree to go on the trip provided there are private reserved baths, or do you say you don't want to go? The choices have various consequences that shape Haru's day.

The game is a chance to share a small experience about what it can be like to be transgender in Japan. Haru is legally male and hasn’t had gender-affirming surgery, but lives as a woman. Unlike a book or a film, you are part of the story, making choices and seeing the implications. This means that it's a good game to play through a few times to see the different outcomes.

After the success of the On Night Hot Springs game, a trilogy of stories was released more widely:
  • One Night Hot Springs: Visit the hot springs with Haru, a young and anxious trans woman who just wants to enjoy herself on a trip with Manami but doesn't want to cause any trouble.
  • Last Day of Spring: Spend a week as Erika, a well-meaning ex-delinquent who runs into more issues than expected when trying to plan a spa day for Haru.
  • Spring Leaves No Flowers: Help sheltered university student Manami think about what friendship and romance mean to her as she spends a day with Haru, Erika, and her boyfriend.

They are each well-told and moving stories. Along the way you learn about Haru, Erika and Manami and how they feel about their life.

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked One Night Hot Springs 3 years ago. It was re-examined by Jo Robertson and updated 10 months ago.
Kids not old enough for this yet? There are lots of games similar to One Night Hot Springs. Here are some similar younger-rated games:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Communication and Narrative game with Adventure elements. This is a single-player game.


Play Time: This game will take between half an hour and 1 and a half hours to complete. You can finish the game in half an hour, and see each of the endings in about an hour and a half.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 12 for Sexual Innuendo.

As stated by the developer, "this trilogy discusses issues that people of different genders and sexualities may face, which is a topic that can be sensitive and personal."


One Night Hot Springs

Steam Store PC Free
Steam Store Mac Free
XBox Store Xbox One -
Switch Store Switch -
PlayStation Store PS4 -
This game is free to play. There are no additional in-game purchases, loot boxes, adverts or subscription costs.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 30/08/2018

Price: Free

Out Now: Android, Mac, PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One

Players: 1

Genres: Communication, Narrative and Adventure

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: 2D Side-On and Cartoon

Developer: npckc (@npckc)

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