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Games With
Playing Cards

Many games include cards as a way to offer the player a choice or collections of items. There are a handful that use classic playing cards more directly, though. These games often subvert or lean into the common understanding of how these Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds and Spades work. Often with fascinating results.
This list includes 13 games from the last 19 years, with 54 likes. They come from a range of different genres and play-styles and are all good games if you want to game with playing cards.

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Where Cards Fall, from the same developer as Alto's Adventure, is an adventure where you build houses of cards to advance.

Where Cards Fall, from the same developer as Alto's Adventure, is an adventure where you build houses of cards to advance. In a beautifully hand-drawn world, you need to create pathways with the cards through dreamlike spatial puzzles.

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