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Horizon 5

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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Forza Horizon 5 (2021) is a fast-paced racing game where you drive all manner of different vehicles in races and across the vast open landscape. Building on Forza Horizon 4, this fifth entry to the series is set in Mexico, allowing you to explore vibrant cities, burning deserts and beaches, and jungles with ancient Mayan temples awaiting discovery.

There are over 500 cars that are fully customisable both in terms of how they look and how they perform - even down to gear ratios and torque curves. However, it is the stunning open-world that sets Forza Horizon 5 apart from other racing games. Substantially larger than the already large map in Forza Horizon 4, it's brimming with life, weather and day-night cycle that make it incredibly realistic.

Improving on Horizon 4's weather system, where the entire map was affected in the same way by weather changes, here, there are individual areas that have entirely unique weather systems, so a tropical rainstorm in the jungle can coexist with a scorching day in the desert. This system of unique weather systems, which is still tied to a seasonal clock, reinforces the incredible diversity and scope on offer.

Races can be played casually, or you can compete with other members of the family, or with friends online, to get the fastest time around a lap. Experiment with the braking distances of each car, and find the fastest line to take around corners to shave off precious seconds from your time.

While it doesn't offer a driving experience as in-depth or true to life as the Forza Motorsport series, instead opting for a more accessible and lighthearted experience, it still offers plenty of opportunities to learn about real driving and racing elements alongside realistic vehicle mechanics.

With a huge and detailed map brimming with vibrance and exciting details, and its unique weather system, it offers a unique chance to get behind the wheel of some of the greatest cars ever built and experience exciting races, on your own or with others, or just explore the beautiful scenery.

Our examiner, Ben Kendall, first checked Forza Horizon 5 3 years ago. It was re-examined by Thom Robertson and updated 8 weeks ago.
There are lots of games similar to Forza Horizon 5. Here are some we picked for you:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Race and Simulation game with Narrative and Sports elements. You can play this by yourself or as a 12-player online game. When driving about the world, you are placed on a server with up to 71 other players, who you can challenge to races or one of the many other multiplayer modes.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: It takes between 2 minutes and 10 minutes to play a round of this game. Although each race only takes a few minutes, you can spend hours doing lots of races and exploring the vast and beautiful landscapes of Mexico.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 3.
Users Interact: The game enables players to interact and communicate with each other, so may expose players to language usually associated with older rated games.

Skill Level

7+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Still, it’s important for parents and guardians to ensure they understand in-game purchases and have spending limits set-up. One family told us about younger children enjoying this. "My 3-year-old loves Forza Horizon. He can't do the races but loves smashing through the countryside. Connect a second controller and then use the Xbox co-pilot mode to both control the same car. Kind of like being a driving instructor, so you can help them out."

Account Rating

  • You need be 18-years-old to to subscribe to Xbox Live Gold for online play, but can then configure family accounts for younger players to play online with Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S.


Forza Horizon 5 usually costs £49.99 to £54.99.

Forza Horizon 5

XBox Store Xbox X|S £54.99 Free

Xbox Game Pass

XBox Store Xbox One £54.99 Free

Xbox Game Pass

XBox Store PC £54.99 Free

Xbox Game Pass

Steam Store PC £49.99
There are the following additional costs associated with this game:
  • In-Game Purchases: Additional in-game purchases are offered for items that enhance the experience.
  • You need a subscription to play online:
    • You need to purchase a Xbox Live Gold subscription to play online with Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S.
The game contains several add-ons that add more cars and events. as the game gets older, it's likely that more cars and expansions will be added that will cost money.

As of release, you can buy the game as a standard edition, Deluxe edition, which includes the Car Pass, and as the Premium Edition, which includes every pack available at launch.

All the packs can be bought regardless of which edition of the game you buy. 
It's important to set up your accounts and devices appropriately. More information is on our Financial Resources page.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 05/11/2021

Out Now: PC, Xbox One and Xbox X|S

Skill Rating: 7+ year-olds

Players: 1 (12 online)

Genres: Race, Simulation (Narrative and Sports)

Accessibility: 52 features

Components: 3D Third-Person, Day and Night, Open World and Weather

Developer: We Are Playground (@WeArePlayground)

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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