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Best Race Games

Racing video games are where the player competes in time-based competitions to complete laps or courses ahead of other computer- and human-controlled opponents. This may be as a character who is running, in a vehicle or even in games where you have special powers to move quickly, jump long distances or even fly.

Racing games are based on anything from real-world racing leagues to entirely fantastical settings. At one end there are simple kart racing Action games where the battling, short cuts and tricks are important. At the other end are high-Simulation games that take weeks and months to get good at and offer a nuanced driving experience.

Some games fall into the Racing genre without offering an experience that, at first, looks like racing. These games obscure the race by placing the player in an unusual situation or with a strong Narrative. Other games double down on the Fighting element of play, so that bashing other vehicles is as important as hitting the perfect racing line.


DetailsGenre Details

Era: 1971 - 2025
Total Games: 210
Total Likes: 2,795


Forza Street is a simple racing game from the team behind Forza Motorsport.

Forza Street is a simple racing game from the team behind Forza Motorsport. You race other players to earn and purchase a lineup of high-powered cars.

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