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We're Back! Family
Gaming News (Oct)
Author: Andy Robertson

27/10/2022 / 2 years ago / Author: Andy Robertson

Hello <>, it's been a while since our last newsletter. We've been busy improving the database to help you find some amazing games to play. If you've not tried it yet, the new Game Finder can find some ideal games for you in just a few questions. We have lots new Lists for surprising ways to play and our new Pathways that tell real stories about positive gaming.

This weekend (27-29th October) we will be at MCM Comic Con in London, running a Family Gaming Area offering advice and game finding suggestions at the event that sees around 100,000 people come through the doors. We're a bit excited as it's the first time we've taken the database out in public like this.

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Whether at the event or replying to this email, I'm keen to hear any questions or topics you'd like us to cover in these monthly updates. As ever the database is here to help you find games you love, whether individually or for your family. So here's what we're playing and the games that are the talk of the playground.

Favourites - Games We Love

These games stopped us in our tracks and expanded what we thought games could be. They are like those books you finish and immediately message friends to read it as well, before starting over yourself.

New - Trending Games

These are the new and trending games that are the talk of the playground and making waves in bedrooms around the world. Get ahead of the curve by checking out what's coming next.

Image 324Until next time,
Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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