It can seem like making a video game is only possible with a degree and lots of complicated equipment. The games on this list let you design and share your own levels just using your controller and tools like Scratch.
You can unleash your creativity with these games that enable you to make your own games. Start with something familiar and try making your own levels in Super Mario Maker or get to grips with building in Minecraft. Build your confidence and creativity and soon you’ll be creating more complicated games in Dreams or LittleBigPlanet.
We put this list together with the help of the brilliant National Videogame Museum, (NVM). The World's First Fully-Playable Cultural Centre Dedicated to Games. If you want more information about making your own video games, the NVM has free resources to get you started.
This list includes 53 games from the last 21 years, with 1,502 likes. They come from a range of different genres and play-styles and are all good games if you want to make video games.