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Video Games Parents
Google The Most
Author: Andy Robertson

22/06/2021 / 3 years ago / Author: Andy Robertson

Here are the games that parents and carers are Googling to find out more about this week. With thousands of parents using the site every day, we have a unique view of what is topping the concerns and interest of family conversation.

This month we saw searches including "Is It Takes Two okay for kids", "The Forest parents guide", "Rust age rating", "Adopt Me PEGI rating", and "Is Outriders for kids?". These searches brought the parent or carer to our pages where, hopefully, they found the information they needed.

The games bubbling up in this list usually come from children watching people online play the games on services like Twitch or YouTube and then asking parents if they can get them too. They also appear here when games have become popular because their friends have been playing them.

It's a good idea to see if your children have heard of these games. Not only might it spark some interesting conversation about video game ratings, but it's also a good way to find appropriate games to play together.

Top Googled Games August

Top Googled Games June

Find Age Appropriate Games

If these games are rated too old for the age of your children, you can click on the entries above and scroll down to find similar experiences ordered by age rating. Also, because we have been tracking the most popular games over a longer period, the following list offers some good suggestions. They are games that have remained of interest for families over some time.

If you want more game suggestions you can browse the Lists of games or use the Search to pick the age, system and cost of a game that would suit your family. We also keep an up to the minute report of the most Popular games on the site.
Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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