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SCP 3008

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Play OverviewPlay Overview

SCP 3008 (2019) is an adventure game where you must survive as many nights as possible in a huge Ikea store with demented employees. You play by building a base from furniture, collecting food and trying to hide from the employees who hunt you down. It's a simple survival game that perfectly recreates the feeling of getting caught for trespassing, but it also offers fully-fledged house design fun that players can spend hours perfecting.

Your goal is to survive the night as aggressive robotic employees roam around the huge Ikea store. To do this you need to use the daytime to hunt down food and build a base with other players. Then, at night, the employees come out to track you down. In this way, you work to develop your base and incrementally make it safer.

As you progress you learn the best kinds of bases to build, how to use waypoints to ensure you can find your way home, when the store restocks the cafeteria food and how to stun the employees. The further you get the more the challenge changes. Nights that are multiples of 10 are blood nights that have tougher and scarier employees. Days that are multiples of 15 are foggy and employees will chase you.

The result is a game that offers a fun and scary survival challenge. The Ikea store setting and the maniacal employees create a creepy threat to run from. This combines with the cycles of threats in the store to offer an experience where youngsters enjoy getting scared.

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked SCP 3008 (Roblox) 14 months ago. It was re-examined by Thom Robertson and updated 6 weeks ago.
There are lots of games similar to SCP 3008 (Roblox). Here are some we picked for you:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Creative and Stealth game with Action, Adventure and Traversal elements. This is a 16-player online game.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: It takes between 6 minutes and 10 minutes to play a round of this game.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

This game has not yet been rated, but we anticipate it is likely to be rated PEGI 7.
User-Generated Content: This game includes content created by other players, such as maps, outfits and items, that are not reflected in the game rating.
Users Interact: The game enables players to interact and communicate with each other, so may expose players to language usually associated with older rated games.

Skill Level

8+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Still, it’s important for parents and guardians to ensure they understand in-game purchases and have spending limits set-up. You need to be able to navigate the store and work to move furniture to create your base. Some resilience is needed while being chased, or if you fail to try again.

Account Rating

  • You need be 18-years-old to to subscribe to Xbox Live Gold for online play, but can then configure family accounts for younger players to play online with Xbox One.
  • You need be 18-years-old to subscribe to PlayStation Plus for online play, but can create sub-accounts for younger players of 7-years or older to play online with PlayStation 4.



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This game is free to play, but there are other costs associated with this game:
  • In-Game Purchases: Additional in-game purchases are offered for items that enhance the experience.
  • Trade Items In-Game: Players can trade items they have earned or purchased, with other players in the game.
  • You need a subscription to play online:
    • You need to purchase a PlayStation Plus subscription to play online with PlayStation 4.
    • You need to purchase a Xbox Live Gold subscription to play online with Xbox One.
Many families choose to pay for an In-Game Subscription that grants access to features and Robux currency for use in any Roblox games without the risk of individual transactions. Outside the game, you can make larger purchases.

This subscription grants 450 Robux a month as well as discounts on buying more Robux and access to selling and trading items with other subscribed Roblox players. The games generally encourage the spending of Robux to progress as a proportion of the money spent goes to the person who creates the game.
It's important to set up your accounts and devices appropriately. More information is on our Financial Resources page.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 20/01/2019, updated in 2023

Out Now: Android, Mac, PC, PS4, Xbox One and iOS

Skill Rating: 8+ year-olds

Players: 16 online

Genres: Creative, Stealth (Action, Adventure and Traversal)

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: 3D Third-Person, Cartoon and Open World

Developer: Ugly Burger 0 (@UglyBurger0)

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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