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Best Puzzle Games

Puzzle games are a broad genre, as there is something puzzling, or something to solve in most games. The games we specify here focus on a puzzle or conundrum as the main interactive mechanic. They test many problem-solving skills, logic, pattern recognition, sequence solving, spatial recognition, and word completion.

Board game puzzles include those that focus on a traditional, self-contained, puzzle board with pieces to move, or more modern twists that still require pieces to be located next to each other to solve a scenario. Board games that are just a mystery to solve or a scenario that are puzzling we tag as Brain Games rather than Puzzles.

Video game puzzles can take this in more conceptual directions, offering conundrums that involve Action, Platforming, Shooting or even Role-Play relationships with other characters.

In this way, the puzzle can be used to communicate frustration, difficulty or tension as well as offer a sense of control, understanding and ease in or Adventure games. Most Puzzle video games are, by their nature, Turn Based but they can also be integrated into more pressured and time-limited Action game experiences.


DetailsGenre Details

Era: 1948 - 2025
Total Games: 1,211
Total Likes: 15,682

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