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Best Asynchronous Play Games

Asynchronous multiplayer are usually competitive but can be cooperative. Unlike other games, you don't have to play at the same time. Perhaps your opponent is in a different time zone, you are playing years after the person you are competing against, or perhaps you have a job or family commitments that the only game time is when the person you are playing against is in bed.

In these asynchronous multiplayer games, you usually see the other player as a ghost representation of how they played the level or circuit. Perhaps it's in Forza where you race against representations of real-world opponents. Perhaps it's in Horizon Chase Turbo where you see the ghosted cars of your Nintendo Switch friends who have raced the circuit you are on Or, perhaps you see the failed attempts of people you don't know in a temple in Phantom Abyss.

However the game provides this, it does so to give you the feel of playing against someone at the same time, although they actually played some time (maybe seconds, maybe hours or maybe years) ago. There have even been stories of teenagers discovering the ghost laps of deceased parents and being able to race them as if they were still alive.


DetailsList Details

Genres: Action, Adventure, Battle, Brain Game, Collecting, Communication, Creative, Fighting, Narrative, Physically Active, Platform, Point-and-Click, Puzzle, Race, Rhythm, Role-Play, Sequencing, Shooting, Simulation, Sports, Stealth, Strategy, Traversal and World Building
Era: 1997 - 2024
Total Games: 31
Total Likes: 703


Pokémon Legends: Arceus is a game in the longstanding Pokémon series of role-playing games where you collect and battle Pokémon.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus is a game in the longstanding Pokémon series of role-playing games where you collect and battle Pokémon. Like the other games, you compete in turn-based battles and try and collect as many Pokémon as you can.

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