Many video games are enjoyable because of the independence they offer. You get to try out being the master of your own fate with all the power and ability you need to do that. Some games flip this on its head. They task you with convincing strangers to help you on a mission that will fail without their help.
Sometimes this is as simple as finding another player of Animal Crossing to share their rare fruit. But also, like in One Hour One Life, you find yourself tapping out one-letter messages to try and convince a stranger to feed you until you can fend for yourself. Then there are those encounters where you discover help from another player who knows the world like the back of their hand.
Alongside the real-time encounters are games where you rely on the kindness of other players for the resources and messages they left behind. From the infrastructure building of Death Stranding to the encouraging messages in Kind Words this takes all shapes and sizes.
This list includes 28 games from the last 15 years, with 977 likes. They come from a range of different genres and play-styles and are all good games if you want to rely on others. We break them down into the following areas: