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Best Multiplayer Online Cross-Platform Games

Cross-Play games can be played co-operatively or competitively with/against other players on different platforms.

This means that you can go online with your Xbox and play with friends who have the same game on the PlayStation or Nintendo.

  • Single Platform: There are a lot of games that require you to play against people on the same system.
  • Limited Cross Platform: Then there are other games that offer limited Cross-Play, perhaps Xbox and PC.
  • Full Cross Platform: Then there are games that let you play with anyone regardless of the platform they are using.


DetailsList Details

Genres: Action, Adventure, Battle, Brain Game, Collecting, Communication, Creative, Fighting, Narrative, Physically Active, Platform, Point-and-Click, Puzzle, Race, Rhythm, Role-Play, Sequencing, Shooting, Simulation, Sports, Stealth, Strategy, Traversal and World Building
Era: 2001 - 2024
Total Games: 130
Total Likes: 4,997


Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure game that takes place in the Minecraft universe.

Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure game that takes place in the Minecraft universe. You explore various dungeons to complete missions and collect new gear by exploring and finding treasure chests, or by defeating enemies.

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