Games aren't only about quick reactions and shooting things. Many games, like the parlour games of the past, are about communication and quick wits. There is a whole group of games that are more about talking to other players than anything else.
These social deduction games put players in an unusual situation to work together to survive. However, one or more participants are secretly tasked with bringing the group down from the inside. These traitors usually need to do this carefully, because being found out means the main group can expel them from the game.
Some of these games, like Thief Town, Spy Party or Unspottable, challenge players to act in such a way that their in-game behaviour won't give them away. Other games in the list, like Among Us or First Class Trouble, require players to talk in the real world as well as in-game to build a case against each other.
This list includes 72 games from the last 17 years, with 1,618 likes. They come from a range of different genres and play-styles and are all good games if you want to trick your friends.